Opioids To The Point!
An Acupuncturists response to common opioid statistics and media coverage
Date: Sunday October 30th
Time: 12:00-1:00PM
Location: AAAOM Roseville MN, 1925 County Road B2 W, Saint Paul, MN 55113
Speakers: Adam Reinstein L.Ac and Justin Heesaaker L.Ac DAOM
Learn about opioids safety, pain management, non pharmacological interventions, ethic responsibility to patients, prevention and education, patient advocacy and how to communicate with other providers.
1.0 CEU for Ethics NCCAOM.
Adam Reinstein was in the news showing how patients were choosing acupuncture over painkillers in a study at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, the first hospital in not only Minnesota, but the country, to offer acupuncture in the emergency room.
Justin Heesaaker speaks about how the Veterans Health Administration is supportive of advancing complimentary and integrative health in the VHA and explains some key points to the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016.
