The Minnesota Acupuncture Association is only as strong as our membership. We are member-run and your involvement is key to our success.
By supporting your state association, you indicate a higher level of dedication to your profession. Membership in the Minnesota Acupuncture Association (MAA) is synergistic. Your membership dollars support the organization's work, and the organization supports you professionally. Whether you are an Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) professional, a student, an allied health care provider, or interested in acupuncture and Oriental medicine's success, there are great reasons to become a member of AOMAM.
- A strong legislative committee working to assure our profession's interests are represented.- With our legislative efforts, there is strength in numbers. We currently have a membership base of 42% of all practitioners in the state. The higher our base, the more effective we become-with 80% membership carrying much more weight.- The public relations committee is working to provide tools to promote our profession in the community.
Stay in the know
The MAA's newsletter, is filled with current information and features highlighting AOM in Minnesota today. The MAA website provides updated, online access to member resources and industry-related information such as:
Connect with YOUR Acupuncture community
Grow your practice/ enhance your career
When you are an AOMAM member, you receive:
We have negotitated discounts with the following vendors:
Redwing Books
Acupuncture Media Works
Evergreen Herbs-first online order only
Blue Poppy
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